Sunday, April 14, 2013

So They Hate The Ex Wife Too

We live in a small area and very often we find people we come across that also know the ex wife or her husband. Which is a bummer. 90% of the time they way it works is someone meets the ex wife. She does whatever she does and become friends with them. I think in the beginning they are decent friends. They maybe friends for weeks or months. Maybe even a little longer. But then she lets her true colors show. These friends either catch on to what she is doing or they realize that she is using them for something. Like this person might be the only person that has horses that she knows. She becomes friends with them only to get free rides from them or to show off that she knows more about the animals then she does. Which she never really does. She is a great example of a never ending fountain of unknown fake knowledge. Usually these people figure this stuff out and drop her. Or she has sucked all the use she can out of them and doesn't need them anymore. Anyway yesterday my husband and I ran into one of these people. The husband of a former boss of hers. It was great to hear how much they also hated her. How they knew all these illnesses she had were fake. How they knew she was a total piece of crap of a person. We laughed so hard.its not often we find someone who feels the same as us. Now we know there are a lot of people out there that do but finally someone who wanted to say it out loud. I swear it made our day better. We are not the type of people that feel better at others misfortune but when it comes to her anything negative about her makes us dance a little jig of happiness. Finally someone admits she sucks!!!!
How many of you out there have an ex or someone who has completely manipulated someone into thinking they are great but you really know the truth...the secrets. You know this person truly sucks.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pissing In The Dishwasher

So my husband and I are trying to potty train our 3 year old son. Well mainly I am cuz my lucky husband goes off to work everyday and I'm left at home with 3 boys all to myself while the other 3 kids (2 girls and a boy) are off to school. So anyway my 3 year old is the most stubborn child I've ever met. This may sound bad but we have all wondered this at trying moment with ours or someone else's kids. "Is there something wrong with him or is this just his personality" luckily I'm leaning more towards personality then something being wrong. Everything has to be perfect for him or all hell breaks loose and mama pays. Well I've been trying to work on this potty training business w him but he won't let me. He's not interested. I get "not now" "can't make pee-pee come out" "my pee pee is broken" whatever he can do to leave that diaper on. Yet almost every night he rips off his diaper and either pees poops or both in his room. On the floor or in some container. Thank god for old hardwood floors. So everyday my husband or I have to pick up the poop. Ish! Every time I clean it up I always catch myself thinking "who the hell does this shit...this is disgusting...damn this room stinks it needs to be mopped again" and on and on and I'm sure my husband says the same things when he is cleaning it up. We get no help from the other kids. I swear the 3 yr old can do this in front of them and they either ignore it or laugh. What a big help. Well I looked at my diaper supply and I only had a few in the diaper bag. None in the box he always goes to. I'm broke till payday, which is now today thankfully. So I decide to tell him we are all out of diapers. He yells n goes looking in his beloved diaper box. He says "oh dear" after I tell him he needs to wear undies since we are all out of his diapers. He argues w me but I eventually get a pair of too big race car undies on him. I later went back to the baby room to check on my yelling 3 mo old. I hear my 5 yr old boy yelling "mommy!!" I run out there and he tells me Adrian, my 3 yr old peed in the dishwasher. Yup, he walked up to the dishwasher, opened the door n pissed all over the door. He filled the little cups of soap holders and grooves. Ish!!! And he ran like hell. I chased after him n carried him back to the dishwasher. I informed him that was gross. The only place we go is in the potty. He knew I was serious and I made him clean up the pee while I watched. Damn he was mad at me giving me the death stare he does so well. But...for the rest of the day he'd yell "the pee is coming out" he'd strip naked wherever he was standing and he'd run as fast as he could to the bathroom. He'd pee in the potty only. Of course it had to be a show. Climbing up on the toilet n sitting on it backwards. I suppose so he could see it coming out which is pretty cool to a kid. He'd pee and I'd yell n dance around in the bathroom like a moron but he loved. Dry undies all day. He did look at us funny when we pulled a spare diaper out of the bag for bedtime. We plan to do the same today. Luckily my husband is here today so he can help and hopefully clean up if Adrian decides to piss in the oven today. Yes it's disgusting but if I turn it into a positive thing my kid is not in a diaper and my appliances are getting cleaned with a toothbrush regularly. Yesterday I was not positive tho. I sent my hubby a freak out text saying I was ready to put my head through a window. From all the pee and the migraine I was ready to be done with that day. But now that it's over at least I have a clean dishwasher and a funny story to tell.

What's your nasty story you have as a result of a child?
Believe me this isn't my only one. 6 kids remember.

Financial Craphood

So we have been in a financial crap hole for some time now. Well actually from the day I was 1st with my husband. You see his crazy ex wife was nuts when it came to $. She would take credit cards and max them out just because she was mad. She would take checks from active and inactive bank accounts and bounce them all over town. Just for the simple joy of spending $ that wasn't there. I don't know why she did this. This type of thing makes no sense to me. Years ago, so long ago I couldn't even tell you when it was my husband and his then crazy wife had to file for bankruptcy just to have a shot of surviving. Looking at the things that were listed yes all were in my husbands name but none of them were actually his screw ups. All were medical bills she had put in his name, maxing out of his credit cards, her bouncing their checks. Well bankruptcy fixed things for a while and he was able to buy a truck one day. But the evil wife stuck again doing the same things. However my husband decided not to file again. Who does it 2x anyway. Instead he filed for divorce. He hated his wife with a passion and knew this would always be the cycle that continued if she was around. So gone she went. She continued to do the same things but at least it was in her own name. It's something that has always effected us in the 7 years my husband and I have been together. We hadn't been able to get a loan for a house or car. Some places we couldn't write checks unless we paid off her debt. She did this to us. It was her fault our life was this way. We didnt do anything wrong. I till I read this book called "How To Reduce Your Debt Overnight" by Thomas Corson-Knowles. This guy is a damn genius. He really is. He made me totally reevaluate our situation. Yes I know the ex wife did these things. Some from when my husband and her were married and some now (she just recently put $30,00 in medical bills in my husbands name). But it's our fault too. 1st is my husband. Yes she did this to him but he allowed it. He complained nonstop about what she was doing. Grew to hate her for it. But never stopped it. Yes he attempted by taking away financial access for a while but he would always give it back to her. He gave her the power to screw him over. His fault. My fault...I also sat and whined about how it was affecting me.  What I should have done is just sucked it up, paid the debts from her that were affecting us and then gone after her in court. Yes I would have had to find a way to pay her bills as well as my own but damn it I would have been able to do the things we wanted with better credit. But I didn't. I just let it build and build. Well after reading that book I decided I was done with letting the past defeat my future. What I am going to do is create opportunities to make that money to better my life. I'm not bettering hers by paying them. I'm bettering mine. My opinion. Was different before this book. So what am I doing now... Well, I just started writing a book. It's along the lines of crime, murder mystery. Ill get to kill off the w wife and give myself a little smile in the process. I've also started this blog as you can see. Everyday I am finding a new way to make $. Even if its only $3. $3 is closer to my goal then $0. Yesterday I found some scented wax bars I bought a while ago at a huge discount. So I threw them up in eBay and will sell them for a small profit. Yes a small profit is still a profit. Today I'm going to whip up a crochet baby hat and throw that on my Etsy store. My husband is going to also find things to throw on there. Whether found or created. We will be changing our lives. We will not except the bullshit in our lives anymore. We will make it better no matter how many times we fail. You can't succeed without failing. Btw, about that $30,000 worth of medical bills the ex put in my husbands name. Well we actually got off our butts and talked to the collection lawyer about it. All we have to do is bring in the divorce decree and she will remove everything from my husbands name. How simple is that. We can do that when we run to town for milk or diapers. And to think we were just gonna take the screwing she was trying to give us. Haha sorry not today honey cuz we are DOING now. We are not trying. To survive anymore. We will survive. DO what you need to DO. don't settle for less then you deserve and you deserve a lot. Ill let you all know her reaction when she finds out that we are able to remove his name and leave it solely her responsibility.  

Good luck to you all

Flake of All Flakes

So here is my husband and I are total flakes. We never get anything done! We are great at starting things, we come up with amazing ideas but we never complete anything. I can't tell you how many things we have built for ourselves or to sell to the public. But we never made any $ because we never finished the products and posted them anywhere. So there is some wasted $. I learned how to crochet and started making a bunch of baby items plus afghans for all our kids. We have 6 kids so I guess we at least know how to complete that task. I set up a store on Etsy called Jamamascreations. Have I sold I didn't market the things I was making so therefor I got no sales. Actually this would be the 1st time that I've said anything to the public about my store. He check it out and see if there is anything you like. There...I advertised. Anyway, with no sales, because of my lack of doing I have pretty much stopped crocheting. Don't get me wrong if I get a sale ill jump right back on it. For a while at least. But since I've stopped I haven't even put away my yarn collection. I've tried several times. I even have a place to put it. But I haven't so much as touched the skeins to put them away. I have a bag next to my bed, a tote on my bench and several bags sitting on that bench too. All full of yarn. See, I flake everything. My husband is no better then me when it comes to any of this. We talk and talk about doing...but never do. Now we are flakes and will always be flakes. We aren't gonna wake up one morning flake free. And neither are you. If you are a flake like us. But this is what I am gonna do. I'm gonna blog. I'm on my phone all the time anyway so why not. Ill blog about every asshole I come across. Every late payment notice I receive, every argument I have with my husband or his skitzo ex wife. (Believe me there will be a lot of those) my hopes are that when I will tell you about these things that I have had to deal with I will also be able to if I was able to find anything that helped me deal. Believe me some of this stuff hits me hard. Really hard. I will say whatever is on my mind no matter how bad I sound because it is real. I promise you that you will find things in my blog that relate to you. I mean we all go through life's crap. Maybe we can help each other. Maybe you will find something here that helps you with a problem or you can write a suggestion to me that will help me deal with mine. If nothing else you will now have a friend out there going through the same life crap as you. So here's to being a flake and dealing with our crap! Enjoy and I hope to talk to you all soon.